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Two advantages of these is that they are lightweight

For some moms-to-be it can be challenging to register for the first baby. Based on tips from moms who have been there before and know a little better, we can share the best items to register for. Once the shower is over mom will have plenty more things to buy that most people won't buy for her. Then there are some things great to get used.The Top 3 Must Haves include: the car seat, a stroller that can push around a car seat and a breast pump. There are car seats that can also be used to carry baby around. The Graco Snug Ride is one of them. It is important to have the car seat properly installed before going to the hospital or else you cannot take baby home with you. If you have more than one car, extra car seat bases are handy.It is very convenient to get a stroller that can push the car seat around. The most preferable are the barebones snap-n-go models like Graco or Kolcraft for the first five months.


Two advantages of these is that they are lightweight and fit easily into the car. This item is a good one to borrow since it has a short shelf life.Third, there is the breast pump. For the ladies planning to be a nursing mother, the breast pump is highly recommended. For the mommies who don't plan on ever returning to work or being away from baby for more than a few hours they should get a mini electric or Medela Harmony. Working moms should strongly consider getting the big electric double Medela Pump In Style.Some other baby items that are nice to put on the registry are: 3 big receiving blankets, Pack and Play sheets, Diaper Champ, bathtub, diaper bag, mattress, baby monitor, crib & crib sheets, mobile for crib, swing and My Best Friend Nursing Pillow.


New moms can use as many diapers as they can get at the shower. Mom is going to be buying so many over the next three years or so. There's the newborn diapers, size one, training diapers and so on; not to mention diaper wipes and diaper disposal. While so many people will want to buy mom toys and clothing be sure to register for things in all sizes up to 12 months. Multi-packs of long- sleeved oneses can be difficult to find, and mom will go through those faster than she thinks. Some other essentials are nail clippers, wash cloths, a digital thermometer, diaper rash ointment, burp cloths, homeopathic teething tablets, baby shampoo and bodywash, pacifiers and Purell hand sanitizer. Most of these baby items listed can be found at Babies R Us so mommy may just consider registering there!Learn more about Babies R Us coupons.